Key benefits

  • Advanced analytics to power your applications

    Development tools with native support for Numerix's industry-leading pricing & risk models accelerate your integration of analytics into applications.

  • Build & scale without limits

    Leverage Numerix's hosted cloud infrastructure to handle the most demanding performance & scalability requirements.

  • Increase your business agility

    Reduce time-to-market when implementing or developing with Numerix software, so your business can quickly adapt to changing business requirements and market trends.

  • Lower your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

    Avoid or reduce infrastructure costs by leveraging Numerix's Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings, and free up staff for other projects.

The Numerix difference for development and infrastructure teams

Developers and IT teams need to stay nimble to keep up with the unrelenting pace of change required by their front and middle offices. Numerix give your teams advanced tools and cloud-based infrastructure so you can build and manage more effective and resilient market applications, ensuring they meet both current and future needs seamlessly.

Numerix technologies help supercharge your teams

Software Development

Streamline your development efforts, accelerate time-to-market, and deliver robust, high performance applications which deliver significant value to your business.

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Reviewing line graphs on screen

IT & Infrastructure

Free up staff and computing resources and lower your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) by having us manage your Numerix systems in our cloud environment.

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Viewing computer screen data.