White Paper Archive

In this research paper, Andrew McClelland PhD and Financial Engineering specialist at Numerix, examines the...
Basel 3, Dodd-Frank, Solvency II, and of course, the Supervisory Guidance on Model Risk Management (OCC Bulletin...

The validation of derivative pricing models can be a slow, labor intensive and expensive exercise. Moreover, it...
Model risk has gained renewed importance since the 2008 financial crisis. A strong contributor to model risk is...
Many of the most serious challenges facing banks boil down to this: how to get the information required to...
This paper, written by Satyam Kancharla, Numerix Senior Vice President, explores the basics of OIS discounting and...
Collateral represents the tool of choice for mitigating Counterparty Credit Risk in the post 2008 market...

In this paper, Numerix Chief Strategy Officer & SVP, Satyam Kancharla, outlines industry best practices for...

This research paper, written by Chao Liang, FSA and Numerix Insurance Product Specialist, examines how the...

In this white paper, Numerix VP and Insurance Product Manager Ghali Boukfaoui, explores the theory behind and...
