Key benefits

  • Comprehensive pricing, risk & regulatory analytics

    Expand your software or services to cover more asset classes, more types of risk assessment, & more regulations.

  • Create more value for clients

    Integrating our advanced analytics into your software or services drives more value for clients - which they'll happily pay you more for.

  • Accelerate your time-to-market

    Leverage off-the-shelf, battle-tested tools, rather than building your own, so you can deploy solutions to clients faster.

  • Always stay ahead of the curve

    Capitalize on Numerix's ongoing R&D investments to stay on the cutting edge of pricing and risk advances.

The Numerix difference for FinTechs and consulting firms

Service firms and software vendors operate in hyper-competitive markets, and differentiation is critically important in order to win business. Numerix provides you with advanced pricing and risk analytics which delight clients and give you an edge against your competitors.

Comprehensive analytics to enhance your offerings

Software Vendors

Development tools to expand the product coverage and risk capabilities of your product offerings, drive business growth, improve development efficiency, and mitigate project risk.

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Reviewing line graphs on screen


Advanced pricing and risk analytics you can leverage to offer accurate and timely assessments of valuations, risk metrics, and regulatory reporting to clients.

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Viewing computer screen data.

Audit / Advisory

Industry-standard, market-proven valuation and risk analytics for every instrument you'll encounter, so you can handle more complex engagements and win more business.

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Neon line graphs