
PnL Explain: Strategic Trading Book Insights for Traders, Risk Managers & Other Stakeholders

Learn how the PnL Explain analytics in Numerix Oneview can provide you with critical insights to inform your daily trading and risk decisions.

PnL (Profit and Loss) Explain analytics have been used by traders and risk managers for years across the sell and buy side alike. It is typically used to understand key drivers of risk and to obtain actionable hedging and portfolio positioning insights.

With the rise in multi-asset class portfolios and the need to navigate volatile markets, firms are finding that closely monitoring the various risk factors that impact PnL has become of high significance.

Sign up for our on-demand solution webinar and learn about Numerix’s PnL Explain analytics in Oneview and how they may provide you with important insights as you perform your daily work.

During this webinar, Krupal covers:

  • The use case for PnL Explain analytics and their main benefits
  • How Numerix Oneview users can extract value from these analytics
  • A live PnL Explain demonstration

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