White Paper Cover
white paper

React, Adapt and Enact: The Catalysts to Capital Markets Transformation

There are numerous catalysts driving a massive transformation of the capital markets industry, and these same market forces are reshaping the technology landscape. In Part I of this white paper series examining the dynamics and future of front office risk technology, Numerix Chief Strategy Officer and SVP of Client Services, Satyam Kancharla delivers an expert view on these drivers of change and their implications for the current and future state of the capital markets.

Readers will gain insight into:

  • The volatile global macroeconomic and geopolitical scene
    • Rise in global interest rates
    • Trade wars and currency devaluations
    • The Brexit uncertainty
    • Slowing global growth
  • Changes in market structure and evolving regulatory developments
    • The phaseout of LIBOR
    • MiFID II and PRIIPS
    • ISDA initiatives
    • FRTB

The influence and nimble pace of technology-driven innovation and the possibilities it offers to derivatives market players will be covered in Part 2 of this series.


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