Numerix Counterparty RIsk Research & Insights

Presented At Modeling High Frequency Data in Finance III Conference at Stevens Institute of Technology
Dr. Yuriy...
Partners Microsoft, Numerix and Thomson Reuters teamed up for an engaging panel discussion about how organizations...
Our partner, Xenomorph, last week released an interesting white paper entitled: “Instrument Valuation Management:...
The following blog article was guest written by Kevin Samborn, vice president of valuation and risk management...
The Exploration of Traditional Methods, Contrasted with Advanced Methodologies Based on Monte-Carlo Methods
Written By Guest Blogger, Keith Styrcula--Chairman, Structured Products Association
By all measures, the...
Held in New York City on November 2nd and 3rd, the 16th annual flagship conference—Risk USA 2010—provided up-to-...
On November 2nd, Numerix hosted a complimentary webinar led by Senior Quantitative Analyst, Olga Us, discussing...
You know changes are coming. You know they’re going to be big. What do you do while you wait?
And how do you...

As SIFMA winds down today at the NY Hilton, it’s clear that risk is still at the forefront of everyone’s mind—and...
