Numerix Counterparty RIsk Research & Insights

Risk management is dependent on data. But post crisis, modern risk management in banking poses unique Big Data...
Download this Complimentary Special Report from Celent
In this new report, Cubillas Ding, Research Director at...
Waters Technology | January 24, 2013 | By James Rundle
Denny Yu of Numerix discusses CVA bank reporting.
FOW | January 7, 2013 | By Galen Stops
Jim Jockle, Numerix CMO discusses how increased standardization and central...
Risk | December 2012 | By Clive Davidson
Breaking the banks?
Numerix finished first among the top ten technology...
FTSE Global Markets | November 23, 2012 | By Editors
Jim Jockle, CMO discusses the notion of "to clear, or not to...
As driven by regulators in the post-crisis environment, managing counterparty credit risk is paramount to today’s...
The debate lingers on…As the capital markets converge towards the need to better monitor and manage counterparty...
Structured Products | September 2012
Technology Innovation
Numerix announced it was named Technology Innovation...
It is no wonder that the VIX has gained substantial attention from both Wall Street and Main Street during the...
