More on Valuation Adjustments and XVAs

Digitalisation of Derivatives Trading: Utilising Technology to Increase Profits
In November 2021, Numerix...
Deep Dive: Advances in Counterparty Credit Modelling in Energy Markets
Risk USA, held from November 8 to November...
Advances in Counterparty Credit Risk Modelling in Energy Markets
At the Risk Australia 2021 virtual event, which...
The word “real time” is used frequently in discussions related to risk management, especially as it pertains to...
Quantitative R&D Innovations Update


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For a few years now we have been living through a paradigm shift in technology, experiencing an era of immense...
A new report produced by the Aite Group, commissioned by Numerix, assesses the overall impact of an unprecedented...
Capital markets firms are acknowledging that the cloud is a catalyst for establishing competitive advantage and...
XVAs are increasingly becoming more engrained in derivatives practices across the globe. While the U.S. and Europe...

Risk Management Post COVID-19: Lessons Learned So Far
Live Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2020

